
Showing posts from August, 2017


Question 1 What grade did you have in school? Select one: a. 1st Class and Masters / Distinction and Masters b. 1st Class and PGD / Distinction and PGD c. 1st Class / Distinction d. 2nd Class Upper + Masters / Upper Credit + Masters e. 2nd Class and PGD / Upper Credit and PGD f. 2nd Class Upper / Upper Credit g. 2nd Class Lower + Masters / Lower Credit + Masters h. 2nd Class + PGD / Lower Credit + PGD i. 2nd Class Lower / Lower Credit j. 3rd Class + Masters / Pass + Masters k. 3rd Class + PGD / Pass + PGD l. 3rd Class / Pass Question 2 I'm going out _______ some biscuits. Select one: a. to buying b. for buying c. to buy d. for to buy Question 3 The little dog ______ my leg. Select one: a. bited b. bitted c. bit d. bite What should I ask my mother? Select one: a. Ask her when will be ready the food. b. Ask her when will be the food ready. c. Ask her when the food will be ready. d. Ask her when will the food ready be. Que