
Showing posts from June, 2015

How to customize the Logon Screen in Windows 7/8/xp

  There are many methods to change the alteration of your startup screen and make it subjective.When I say that the default Windows Startup screens are really boring, repetitive and vapid. It is possible to change them very easily with the help of the below steps:     Step 1: First of all you need to download an application called windows 7 Logon Background Changer for free from the website . This application will allow you to customize your startup screen easily and immediately. Step 2: Once you start the application it will display a variety of different wallpapers which can be used as the startup screen for Windows. You can also pin the your own wallpaper/Image etc. Step 3: Just select any wall paper of your choice and click on Apply and when you restart your computer the next time, the startup screen would have been changed. As simple as that! Instead of using the default wallpapers that ship with Windows, it is...

Windows 7 Activation Keys

Windows 7 Activation Key 32 Bit: KJDSF-H7346-NFDS8-93438-9NFDH F8934-9834N-KLSDF-NIFN9-84938 FNJKN-89349-8Y4NK-FJDSB-HFJ92 0797M-KBFGJ-G3469-8364N-DKSBJ M9821-4KJHG-FDGFB-37Y46-4FGHF 734BU-YV734-UN78O-EFWKN-E23H7 F8364-FN873-4Y78N-D3728-ND873 4983W-4YVJN-REFBR-EYFBY-U7873 21Y69-378BJ-SBDVB-FGREB-FDSUB C8731-94T59-HFIWF-NWOM3-27BDF 78DSF-146DF-GD578-4JDBV-HFDVB GFYUEN-SJH7W-84657-67896-34978 54GFD-GFHBG-YTBTW-V674G-SJKDF   Windows 7 Activation Key 64 Bit: 34F8R-EFUFN-84H45-H4874-5YY4H R8745-784HF-78347-64GQ3-U7834 HF78N-F787H-3411J-2RUYR-78ASK LMSLK-MKQOK-WMSQ8-72RH8-H4THS DMLKM-KDOIQ-WPU87-434HD-KSJMF KWOOJ-SEXZR3-64897-32DFK-JMGOW JMOJE-WIUE9-34F8R-EFUFN-84H45 H4874-5YY4H-R8745-784HF-7834GF 764GQ-3U783-4HF78-NF787-H3411 J2RUY-R78AS-KLMSL-KMKQO-KWMSQ 872RH-8H4TH-SDMLK-MKDOI-QWPU8 7434H-DKSJM-FKWOO-JSEXZ-R3648 9732D-FKJMG-OWJMO-JEWIU-E9834 095HG-789SE-045U7-809LO-437UY    These Windows Activation keys migh...